While trying to debug PowerChute Network Shutdown 3.0 on ESXi5, an improper shutdown of the DFSR server resulted in the following:
Source : DFSR
Catagory : None
Event ID : 2104
Type: Error
Description :
The DFS Replication service failed to recover from an internal database error on volume F:. Replication has been stopped for all replicated folders on this volume.
Additional Information: Error: 9203 (The database is corrupt (-1018)) Volume: DB587759-DC0B-11DC-940D-00304888DB13 Database: F:System Volume InformationDFSR
Steps to resolve:
- Stop the “DFS Replication” service.
- On the drive(s) in question, grant yourself full permission to the hidden system “System Volume Information” folder.
- Navigate to each replication group the server was a member of and delete (or move to be extra careful) each hidden system “DfsrPrivate” folder.
- Start the “DFS Replication” service.
You may now treat the server as a brand new member for the replication groups. Now all you need to deal with is DFSR’s sloppy initial replication routines (hint: those missing files are in the “DfsrPrivate PreExisting” folder).
However this did not work the folder would not rename under 2008 even with UAC off, this did work for me though
- Click Start, right click Command prompt and click run as administrator to open a command prompt window, then go to driverletter:System Volume Informationdfsr prompt
- Type “ren “old folder name” “new folder name””
Use this simple vbscript to allow recovery of DFS Replicated files that have been pushed into the ConflictAndDeleted or PreExisting folders due to misadventure.
You might also find the %systemVolume%windowsdebug folder useful.